Rehab & Soft Tissue Therapy
Soft tissue therapy is used to influence the muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the body. These techniques work well to treat muscle strains, ligamentous sprains, and tendon hypertonicity. This leads to an increase in mobility and allows for less painful movements. This service includes cupping, exercise initiatives, and muscle release techniques.
Soft tissue therapy and rehabilitation exercises play a vital role in chiropractic care, this phase of care enables us to get you better faster with fewer visits required. The chiropractic adjustment focuses on joints and spinal segments, whereas rehab exercises and soft tissue therapy focus on the muscles, ligaments, and tendons to allow for greater reduction of pain.
Exercises are tailored to each specfic case. Dr. Grimaldi will demonstrate and give you a print out of your "prescribed" exercises, that also have instructional video access. Completing your exercises is like doing your homework, it increases your chances of feeling better faster.
Cupping is a form of alternative medicine, that is also a modern physical therapy technique. It is used to relieve pain, promote mobility and range of motion. Cupping is great for stiffness especially in the low back and neck regions.
Muscle Release
Muscle release, is a soft tissue method that focuses on relieving tissue tension in tissues that are chronically tight as result of overload due to repetitive use. This technique works well in the hips and lower neck regions since they are commonly overworked.
Taping is used to help stabilize an injured area. Taping is commonly used on runners and other athletes. It can also be beneficial in reducing swelling. This service is complimentary with chiropractic care.

Keep You Moving
The goal of soft tissue therapy is to reduce muscle tension. Reducing muscle tension aids in promoting healing, which keeps you moving forward and chasing your health goals.