What we treat
At Veloce, we aim to treat all injuries and ailments across the spectrum. We specialize in pain and injury care. Our goal is to remove your pain and then provide you with the necessary tools to fix yourself. We want you to participate in your care, not be told how we can fix you. Our goal is to aid you in fixing you.
Sprains and strains are very common injuries that usaully occur after sleeping the wrong way or lifting something heavy. They often present in the neck or low back and feel "locked-up".
Foot/Ankle Injuries
These include sprained ankles, foot pain after exercising, and plantar fascitis. Soft tissue therapy and dry needling are the main treatment techniques foe these injuries.
Sciatica often presents with low back pain and pain radiating down the leg or legs. This pain feels like a deep pain in the buttick as well. Chiropractic care is extremly effective in reducing sciatica.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy can be very benefically in reducing low back pain and preparing the body for birth with exercises.
Disc Injuries
Disc injuries often present after lifting something heavy with rotation. Often the patient will feel radiating pain down the arms or legs. It may also be uncomfortable to sneeze.
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain includes rotator cuff injuires, frozen shoulders, and general shoulder immobility. Often treated with muslce release and dry needling.